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Animated Explainer Videos in 2023: A Preview of Upcoming Design Trends

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

Animated Explainer video

With the growing emphasis on visual communication in the business world, animated explainer videos have gained significant popularity as a marketing tool. As we progress into the future, we are witnessing the dawn of a new era for animated marketing videos, characterized by heightened innovation and creativity. In this blog post, we will explore ten emerging trends in animated explainer videos that are set to shape the near future. By familiarizing themselves with these trends, businesses can proactively prepare for the upcoming wave of animated marketing videos.

1) increase in personalization

As we approach 2023, one prominent trend that is set to gain significant momentum is personalization. Companies are increasingly recognizing the value of delivering customized experiences to their customers, and this extends to animation and motion graphics design. With the advent of big data and machine learning, personalization has become more feasible than ever before.

Personalization can manifest in various ways within animation and motion graphic design. For example, explainer videos can be tailored based on the viewer's location, interests, or website browsing behavior. Animations and illustrations can adapt to reflect the viewer's demographics, such as age, gender, or cultural background. Moreover, voiceovers and soundtracks can be personalized to align with the viewer's preferences or the content being presented.

By providing a personalized experience, animation, and motion graphic design can captivate the viewer's attention and engagement more effectively. The viewer is more likely to watch the video in its entirety, share it with others, or take action as a result. Personalization also fosters empathy and trust, as the viewer feels that the content has been specifically created for them.

To achieve personalization, animation, and motion graphic designers must leverage data and analytics tools. By tracking user behavior, preferences, and feedback, designers can gain insights into what works and what doesn't, enabling them to optimize their content accordingly. Collaborating with data scientists, marketers, and UX designers can also lead to more informed and impactful personalized experiences.

Overall, personalization presents an exciting future for animation and motion graphic design. It holds the potential to enhance the viewer's experience, drive business outcomes, and elevate the industry as a whole. As we approach 2023, it will be fascinating to witness how designers continue to innovate and push the boundaries of personalized animations and explainer videos.

2. Shift Towards More Lifelike Animations

As we enter the year 2023, the field of animation and motion graphic design is undergoing a significant transformation. One prominent trend that is poised to gain traction in the coming years is a shift toward more lifelike animations.

In the past, many animated videos featured rigid movements and characters that lacked naturalness. However, in the upcoming years, there will be a concentrated effort to imbue animated characters with a more realistic and human-like demeanor. This will entail integrating organic movements and subtle expressions, thereby enabling characters to exhibit relatable qualities akin to those of human beings.

The move towards more lifelike animations also entails placing a greater emphasis on facial expressions and body language to effectively convey emotions and meaning. Animators will be required to exert greater effort in capturing the intricacies of human interactions and emotions, resulting in characters that can forge deeper connections with audiences on a personal level.

One driving force behind this shift towards lifelike animation is the desire for authenticity. Modern audiences seek content that is genuine and relatable, and animations that encapsulate the human experience will resonate more strongly with viewers. This trend is anticipated to become even more significant as the boundaries between real-life and virtual experiences continue to blur.

Overall, the move towards more lifelike animations signifies an exhilarating development within the realm of animation and motion graphic design. With the continuous evolution of technology, animators now possess a wider array of tools and resources to create characters that are truly realistic and narratives that are captivating. By embracing this trend, businesses and creators can produce content that is more compelling and impactful for their audiences.

3. Embracing Natural Movements

In the year 2023, animation and motion graphics are expected to incorporate more natural movements. In the past, animated characters and objects often exhibited exaggerated or robotic motions that lacked authenticity and organic flow. However, thanks to advancements in technology and software, animators now have the ability to generate more realistic movements that replicate the fluidity and elegance of natural motion.

This shift is driven, in part, by the desire for greater authenticity in animation and a push toward the creation of characters that resemble human beings more closely. Animators are leveraging motion capture technology and reference videos to craft movements that reflect the nuances of how real people naturally move and behave.

The outcome is an animation that feels firmly grounded in reality, with characters and objects that exhibit enhanced fluidity, subtlety, and realism. From the gentle sway of a tree in the wind to the natural gait of a walking character, these more natural movements serve to immerse viewers in the animation and foster a sense of engagement.

Overall, the trend toward incorporating more natural movements in animation and motion graphics is set to continue beyond 2023. By embracing technology and prioritizing authenticity, designers, and animators can create animations that are increasingly realistic, engaging, and emotionally resonant.

4. Emphasising Authenticity

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for authentic representation in the media. This trend is expected to continue shaping the field of animation and motion graphic design in 2023. The desire for more lifelike and relatable characters will drive a renewed focus on creating authentic designs and natural movements.

Gone are the days of rigid, robotic animations. Today's audiences crave characters that behave and move like real people. Animations that capture the nuances of human expression and body language will gain increasing popularity.

Furthermore, viewers are actively seeking diverse representation in animated works. Merely achieving realistic movements is no longer sufficient; characters must also accurately reflect the diverse tapestry of our world. This entails incorporating various ethnicities, body types, and backgrounds into the character designs. By embracing authenticity in every aspect, animators and motion graphic designers can connect more deeply with their audiences and create truly engaging experiences.

5. Abilities in designs.

In order to achieve authenticity in animation, designers must meticulously incorporate abilities into their designs. It is crucial to carefully evaluate and execute every aspect, ranging from the character's gait to the expressions portrayed on their face. This meticulous attention to detail will result in a more immersive experience for viewers, leading them to become more emotionally invested in the characters and the story they are a part of.

To summarise, authenticity will hold significant importance in the field of animation and motion graphic design in 2023. Designers who can skillfully create realistic, diverse, and relatable characters will be positioned at the forefront of the industry. The audience's longing for authenticity will serve as a driving force for innovation and creativity, ultimately making this era in animation truly exhilarating.

6. An increase in live-action/animated hybrids

One trend that we can expect to see more of in the world of animation and motion graphic design is a move toward live-action/animated hybrid videos. These videos combine real-life footage with animation to create a unique visual experience.

This trend has already started to gain popularity, and we can expect it to become even more prevalent in 2023. It's a great way to add a personal touch to your animated explainer videos while keeping the audience engaged and entertained.

Live-action/animated hybrids can be used in various industries, including advertising, entertainment, and education. For instance, an educational video on biology could have live-action footage of a lab experiment with animated graphics and text to explain the process.

The use of live-action footage adds a sense of realism and relatability to the video, while animation can help explain complex concepts and data in a more visual and interactive way.

Moreover, this trend opens up new creative possibilities and encourages designers to experiment with different techniques and styles. The possibilities are endless, and we can't wait to see how brands and designers incorporate this trend into their video content.

7. More use of AR/VR

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are quickly becoming buzzwords in the animation and motion graphics industry. With advancements in technology, these tools are now more accessible and can add an entirely new dimension to animation.

In 2023, we can expect to see more designers using AR and VR to enhance their animated explainer videos. These technologies offer a new way to engage viewers and immerse them in the story. With AR, we can bring objects to life by superimposing digital images on the real world. VR, on the other hand, offers a fully immersive experience where users can be transported to different worlds.

One of the most exciting ways AR and VR can be used in animated videos is through interactive experiences. For example, a viewer could use their phone camera to scan a QR code within the video and then be transported to a 3D world. This would allow them to explore the world, interact with objects, and gain a deeper understanding of the message being conveyed.

Data visualization is another area where AR and VR can be particularly useful. By turning data into a 3D visual representation, we can help viewers understand complex concepts more easily. For example, an animated explainer video about climate change could use AR to show the effects of rising sea levels on a city.

Finally, it's worth noting that AR and VR can be particularly effective in educational videos. By bringing concepts to life in a tangible way, we can help students retain information and engage with the subject matter. Whether it's a historical event, a scientific concept, or a language lesson, AR and VR have the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn.

In short, the use of AR and VR in animated explainer videos is set to increase in the coming years. These tools offer new ways to engage viewers, tell stories, and convey complex concepts. By embracing these trends, designers can create more immersive and engaging animated videos that captivate audiences.

8. Use of data visualization

One of the most significant trends in animation and motion graphic design in 2023 will be the use of data visualization. As data becomes an increasingly critical component of businesses, organizations, and institutions, visualizing data through animations will become even more popular.

Data visualization through animation can be used in a variety of ways, including displaying trends, presenting statistical information, or communicating complex data sets to a non-technical audience. It can be used in business, education, healthcare, government, and many other fields.

Animated data visualization can make information more accessible and engaging for viewers. When data is presented in a visually appealing and dynamic way, viewers are more likely to understand and remember it. Animated data visualization can help businesses and organizations make more informed decisions and drive action toward specific goals.

The use of data visualization will continue to grow in 2023, as more and more businesses and organizations recognize its benefits. As a result, designers who specialize in animated data visualization will be in high demand. Animators and motion graphic designers who understand data and can effectively communicate complex information will be highly sought after by businesses, governments, and organizations across various industries.

Overall, the use of data visualization in animation and motion graphics is set to play an increasingly important role in how we communicate and understand data in the coming years. As we move towards 2023, it is an exciting time for designers and businesses alike as they explore new and innovative ways to incorporate animated data visualization into their projects.

9. Use of illustration

One of the most exciting trends for animation and motion graphic design in 2023 is the increased use of illustration. As more businesses and organizations turn to animated explainer videos as a way to connect with audiences, the use of hand-drawn or digitally-created illustrations is becoming more common.

An illustration is an incredibly versatile design element, allowing animators to create unique and eye-catching visuals that can help to convey complex information in a clear and engaging way. By using illustrations, businesses can communicate their brand message or story in a visually appealing way that captures the attention of their target audience.

One of the benefits of using illustrations in animated explainer videos is that it allows for a more personalized approach. Illustrations can be tailored to suit the specific needs and preferences of a particular audience, creating a more meaningful and memorable experience for viewers. By incorporating unique illustrations into their videos, businesses can help to differentiate themselves from their competitors and build a stronger connection with their customers.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, illustrations can also be used to enhance the user experience of animated explainer videos. By using simple, bold visuals, animators can create videos that are easy to understand and navigate, even for those who may not be familiar with the subject matter.

As businesses and organizations continue to look for new ways to engage with their audiences, the use of illustration in animated explainer videos is sure to become an increasingly important trend. By harnessing the power of illustrations, animators can create visually stunning videos that communicate their brand message or story in a way that truly resonates with viewers.

10. Focus on user experience

As animation and motion graphic design continues to evolve, a growing emphasis is being placed on the user experience. In the past, animations were often created for the sole purpose of entertaining viewers. However, as technology continues to advance and our digital world becomes increasingly complex, designers are recognizing the importance of creating animations that are not only visually stunning but also easy to navigate and interact with.

This focus on user experience is driving many of the latest trends in animation and motion graphic design. For example, we're seeing a shift towards more human animations that feel natural and relatable. This includes incorporating subtle movements that mimic the way real people move, as well as using facial expressions and body language to convey emotions.

Another trend that's emerging is the use of data visualization in animation. With so much data available to us, it's becoming increasingly important to find new and creative ways to present it in a way that's easy to understand. Animations that visualize complex data sets are not only informative, but they're also engaging and can help users make sense of complicated information.

In addition to these trends, we're also seeing a growing focus on illustrations in animation. This includes using hand-drawn elements to give animations a more organic feel, as well as incorporating illustrated characters and scenes to create a more immersive experience.

Ultimately, all of these trends are driven by a desire to create animations that feel authentic and are focused on the needs of the user. By prioritizing user experience, designers are able to create animations that are not only visually stunning but also intuitive and easy to use. As we move towards 2023 and beyond, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in this area as technology continues to advance and designers continue to push the boundaries of what's possible.

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